Strung Out – Velvet Alley (Best Punk Rock Songs 01/13)

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series Best Punk Rock Songs

So here it is.

The number 1 on my personal list of the 13 best Punk Rock songs.

It’s Velvet Alley by Strung Out.

I think Velvet Alley was my favourite song as soon as I heard it for the first time. It has everything I expect from a perfect Punk Rock song: killer guitar riffs, catchy vocals, an intro that builds up over time, thrashing drums, background vocals that really underline the main vocals, and it’s freaking fast! I like the song so much I even arranged my last “official” own song in a similar way: 21st Century Punkband – Celebrity. I’m sure you’ll hear the influence! 😉

If you don’t like fast guitars and drums – although I have absolutely no idea why you wouldn’t – here’s a great acoustic cover of Velvet Alley by Jenn Fiorentino:

If you don’t know Strung Out yet, you definitely have to check them out right now! They are one of the longest playing punk bands out there and released another kick-ass album – Transmission.Alpha.Delta – in 2015. I can’t think of any Strung Out song I really don’t like. Here are three of my other favourite songs:

Now I have nothing more to add to my list. I’m officially “done”. I hope you enjoyed the list and perhaps found a few great songs that you didn’t already know. Let me know if you would add any other song or re-arrange my list.

So that’s it for my best 13 punk rock songs of all time 🙂 What do you think about the songs? Do you agree with my number 1?

Series Navigation<< Propagandhi – Purina Hall of Fame (Best Punk Rock Songs 02/13)

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Polyglot Clean Code Developer

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