On The Outside – No Use For A Name (Best Punk Rock Songs 05/13)

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series Best Punk Rock Songs

This week we’re entering the Top 5 of my list of the best Punk Rock songs. As I’ve already mentioned last week, it’s a song by No Use For A Name: On The Outside.

What can I say about On The Outside? If you don’t know this song, go and listen to it. Tony Sly’s vocals and especially the duet parts give me goosebumps everytime: “Whatever we go through, my heart is stuck with you”.

I also really like how the song instantly kicks in after the spoken intro. No wonder, On The Outside is the only song on the tribute album to Tony Sly* (he died in 2012), that is covered by two different bands.

Tony Sly also did an acoustic version of On The Outside. Here’s a live video of him performing it together with Joey Cape. Tony himself mentions, that it probably is his best song.

Making Friends* also contains number 2 on the list of my favourite songs by No Use For A Name, that almost made this list: The Answer Is Still No*. And like almost all of the albums on this list before, it’s completely FREE on Amazon Prime*!

If you like the band and want to support Tony Sly’s family after his early death, go buy The Songs Of Tony Sly: A Tribute*. The revenues go into a fund for his daughters.

What’s your favourite song by No Use For A Name? Did I pick the right one for my list?

Series Navigation<< Alison’s Disease – Lagwagon (Best Punk Rock Songs 06/13)The Decline – NOFX (Best Punk Rock Songs 03/13) >>

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