MySQL: Host ist not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

When connecting to a (development) MySQL server from a remote machine (e.g. with Oracle SQL Developer) I got the following error message:

Host [my host name] is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server.

All user permissions in the mysql.user table were set correctly (host % for user root) and bind-address in my.conf was set to (I don’t recommend these settings on a production machine!).

I found the solution in the MySQL Reference Manual in Chapter 5.4.7. Causes of Access-Denied Errors: I needed to update my glibc library. After a simple apt-get install libc6 everything worked perfectly.

Über Stefan

Polyglot Clean Code Developer

2 Kommentare

  1. Name auf das muss man mal kommen?! Aber was mich interessen würde: hast du eine binary version installiert gehabt? Lg

  2. Ich habe MySQL einfach per apt-get installiert, also ist die Antwort wohl “ja” 😉

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