bash: Get IP address of SSH remote user

Today I needed to find out the IP address of the currently logged on user (e.g. via SSH) on a Linux system to use it in a bash script. After searching the web for a simple tool for this task for quite some time, I finally came up with the following bash script to get me the needed information. Is there any way to obtain the IP address in a simpler way by using built in Linux tools?

HOST=`who am i | sed -r "s/.*\((.*)\).*/\\1/"` IP=`host $HOST | sed -r "s/.* has address (.*)/\\1/"`

Über Stefan

Polyglot Clean Code Developer

7 Kommentare

  1. I think you can use the command “last” to that.
    With the parameter -i, you can always print the IPs instead of the hostnames.

    last -i | grep “still logged in” | awk ‘{print $3}’

    Note that this gives you a list of ALL currently logged in users.

  2. Just type:

    who --ips

  3. who –ips

  4. echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 1
    echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 1


  5. I think you can use the command “last” to that.
    With the parameter -i, you can always print the IPs instead of the hostnames.

    last -i | grep “still logged in” | awk ‘{print $3}’

    Note that this gives you a list of ALL currently logged in users.

  6. Even if your post is old, just wanted to say that your method:

    1. HOST=`who am i | sed -r “s/.*\((.*)\).*/\\1/”`
    2.IP=`host $HOST | sed -r “s/.* has address (.*)/\\1/”`

    should give you the best results along with the advices from Amy.


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