Iterate over a possibly empty array in VBA (Excel)

When you try to iterate over an empty array in VBA like this, you will get a runtime error (index out of bounds):
Sub ArrayTest() Dim testarray() As Integer Dim i As Integer For i = LBound(testarray) To UBound(testarray) ' <-- error Debug.Print testarray(i) Next i End Sub

Even if you check the return value of LBounds like this, it results in the same error:
Sub ArrayTest() Dim testarray() As Integer Dim i As Integer If LBound(testarray) > 1 Then ' <-- error For i = LBound(testarray) To UBound(testarray) Debug.Print testarray(i) Next i End If End Sub

However, to get rid of the error and to iterate over a possibly empty array, the following code works:
Sub ArrayTest() Dim testarray() As Integer Dim i As Integer On Error Resume Next If LBound(testarray) > 1 Then If Err.Number = 0 Then For i = LBound(testarray) To UBound(testarray) Debug.Print testarray(i) Next i End If End If End Sub

Visual Basic magic 😉

Über Stefan

Polyglot Clean Code Developer

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