How to add the calendar application to the Android emulator running Android 2.2 Froyo

I was pretty confused when I found out that the Android emulator does not provide a basic calendar application. Starting with version 4.0 “Ice Cream Sandwich” there seems to be a calendar API, but when developing an application for an older version like 2.2 “Froyo” you not only have no common API for accessing the calendar but also haven’t even got access to a simple calendar application in the emulator. After searching the web for quite some time on how to get a calendar application running on my emulator, I know compiled one myself for Android 2.2. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First, I set up a complete build environment on a virtual machine running Ubuntu 10.4 64bit (download Ubuntu here) following this guide: Initializing a Build Environment.
  2. Be sure to download the correct sources:
    repo init -u -b froyo
  3. When the download is ready, build the system, but only the needed components:
    . build/
    lunch full-eng
    make Calendar
    make CalendarProvider
  4. You’ll find Calendar.apk and CalendarProvider.apk in /out/target/product/generic/system/app. Copy them to the machine running the Android emulator.
  5. Run the emulator and install the APKs:
    adb install Calendar.apk
    adb install CalendarProvider.apk
  6. Start the application in the emulator.
Calendar application in Android 2.2 Froyo emulator

Download the compiled APKs

Über Stefan

Polyglot Clean Code Developer

5 Kommentare

  1. Hallo Stefan,

    vielen Dank für die Bereitstellung der apks. Ich kann diese prima auf einem frischen 2.2 Emulator installieren. Wenn ich den Kalender anschliessend starte werde ich jedoch darum gebeten einen Exchange-Account einzurichten. Ich würde aber gerne einen Google Account anlegen. Weisst Du evtl. wie ich die Exchange-Einrichtung umgehen kann?

    Schöne Grüße,


  2. Hallo Philipp. Du brauchst einen Emulator mit Google API (kann man im AVD Manager auswählen). Dann solltest du auch ein Google-Konto anlegen können.

  3. Pingback:How to play Nintendo DS on your pc – Ideas Emulator | JailbreakNiche

  4. Pingback:How do I install CalenderProvider.apk and Calendar.apk in a Froyo emulator? | XL-UAT

  5. Pingback:How do I install CalenderProvider.apk and Calendar.apk in a Froyo emulator? [SOLVED] – Wanted Solution

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