PowerShell: Read user’s groups from Active Directory

Here’s a short PowerShell function to retrieve a list of a user’s groups from Active Directory:

function getADGroups($username) { $root = ([adsi]"").distinguishedName; $searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root); $searcher.filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))"; $user = $searcher.findall(); $groupNames = @(); if ($user.count -eq 1) { $groups = $user[0].Properties.memberof; [regex]$regex = "^CN=(.*?),"; $groups | % { $groupNames += $regex.matches($_) | % { $_.groups[1].value } }; } else { write-host "invalid username, result count:" $user.count -foregroundcolor "red"; } $groupNames; } getADGroups "macke" | % { $_ }

Über Stefan

Polyglot Clean Code Developer

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  1. geht auch ohne regex…

    $user[0].Properties.memberof | % { ([adsi]”LDAP://$_”).samaccountname }

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