Schlagwort: Windows
Excel 2007/2010: Menü Daten (und weitere) komplett ausgegraut
Heute hatte ich das seltsame Problem, dass bei einer Excel-Datei das komplette Menü “Daten” und weitere Funktionen (insb. auch AutoFilter) ausgegraut waren: Die Lösung war so einfach wie seltsam: Es waren zwei Tabellenblätter gleichzeitig ausgewählt (durch Klicken mit gedrückter STRG-Taste): Diese Auswahl wurde auch beim Speichern der Datei mitgespeichert, sodass…
PowerShell: Read user’s groups from Active Directory
Here’s a short PowerShell function to retrieve a list of a user’s groups from Active Directory: function getADGroups($username) { $root = ([adsi]””).distinguishedName; $searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root); $searcher.filter = “(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))”; $user = $searcher.findall(); $groupNames = @(); if ($user.count -eq 1) { $groups = $user[0].Properties.memberof; [regex]$regex = “^CN=(.*?),”; $groups | % {…
Single Sign On with Kerberos using Debian and Windows Server 2008 R2
Recently, I wanted to add single sign on (SSO) functionality to our intranet server, which runs a Debian Linux. Users should be automatically logged in to the website using their Windows user accounts, which are stored in an Active Directory on a Windows Server 2008 R2, without entering their credentials…
Slow DNS resolution on Windows Server 2008 R2
Job interview questions for system administrators
During the last few weeks I interviewed quite a few candidates for the position as a system administrator in our company (job ad here). But what questions do you ask a prospective administrator to check whether he or she has the needed skills for the job? We needed someone who…
Windows 2003: Logon script for user Administrator is not executed
In our Active Directory we’ve configured a logon script for the user Administrator but it wasn’t executed after logon. The script’s path was accessible via the network and could successfully be executed manually. However, the problem was that somebody changed the script’s path in the Active Directory account from a…
Enable Remote Desktop Connections on a remote PC
Sometimes you need to logon to a remote PC via RDP but the PC is not configured to allow remote connections. Instead of walking over to the machine and setting the needed configuration manually, you could enable RDP connections on the remote PC using regedit as follows: start regedit and…
PowerShell 2.0: Windows Update KB968930 cannot be installed on Windows XP
Our WSUS server provided my computer with Microsoft Windows Update KB968930 (Windows Management Framework and PowerShell 2.0) but it could not be installed (without giving any helpful error message). After searching the web for quite some time, I found this solution to be working in my case: Deinstall PowerShell 1.0:…
PowerShell: Alle Dateien außer die 10 neuesten löschen
Heute hatte ich die Aufgabe, mit einem Script aus einem Ordner alle Dateien außer die 10 neuesten zu löschen. Kein Problem für die PowerShell: $allFiles = dir *.* | ? { -not $_.PSIsContainer } | sort LastWriteTime -descending $keepFiles = $allFiles | select -first 10 $allFiles | ? { $keepFiles…
Excel 2007/2010: Menü Daten (und weitere) komplett ausgegraut

Heute hatte ich das seltsame Problem, dass bei einer Excel-Datei das komplette Menü “Daten” und weitere Funktionen (insb. auch AutoFilter) ausgegraut waren: Die Lösung war so einfach wie seltsam: Es waren zwei Tabellenblätter gleichzeitig ausgewählt (durch Klicken mit gedrückter STRG-Taste): Diese Auswahl wurde auch beim Speichern der Datei mitgespeichert, sodass…
PowerShell: Read user’s groups from Active Directory
Here’s a short PowerShell function to retrieve a list of a user’s groups from Active Directory: function getADGroups($username) { $root = ([adsi]””).distinguishedName; $searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root); $searcher.filter = “(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))”; $user = $searcher.findall(); $groupNames = @(); if ($user.count -eq 1) { $groups = $user[0].Properties.memberof; [regex]$regex = “^CN=(.*?),”; $groups | % {…
Single Sign On with Kerberos using Debian and Windows Server 2008 R2
Recently, I wanted to add single sign on (SSO) functionality to our intranet server, which runs a Debian Linux. Users should be automatically logged in to the website using their Windows user accounts, which are stored in an Active Directory on a Windows Server 2008 R2, without entering their credentials…
Slow DNS resolution on Windows Server 2008 R2
Job interview questions for system administrators
During the last few weeks I interviewed quite a few candidates for the position as a system administrator in our company (job ad here). But what questions do you ask a prospective administrator to check whether he or she has the needed skills for the job? We needed someone who…
Windows 2003: Logon script for user Administrator is not executed

In our Active Directory we’ve configured a logon script for the user Administrator but it wasn’t executed after logon. The script’s path was accessible via the network and could successfully be executed manually. However, the problem was that somebody changed the script’s path in the Active Directory account from a…
Enable Remote Desktop Connections on a remote PC
Sometimes you need to logon to a remote PC via RDP but the PC is not configured to allow remote connections. Instead of walking over to the machine and setting the needed configuration manually, you could enable RDP connections on the remote PC using regedit as follows: start regedit and…
PowerShell 2.0: Windows Update KB968930 cannot be installed on Windows XP

Our WSUS server provided my computer with Microsoft Windows Update KB968930 (Windows Management Framework and PowerShell 2.0) but it could not be installed (without giving any helpful error message). After searching the web for quite some time, I found this solution to be working in my case: Deinstall PowerShell 1.0:…
PowerShell: Alle Dateien außer die 10 neuesten löschen
Heute hatte ich die Aufgabe, mit einem Script aus einem Ordner alle Dateien außer die 10 neuesten zu löschen. Kein Problem für die PowerShell: $allFiles = dir *.* | ? { -not $_.PSIsContainer } | sort LastWriteTime -descending $keepFiles = $allFiles | select -first 10 $allFiles | ? { $keepFiles…