Polyglot Clean Code Developer

Migrating an existing Scuttle database to SemanticScuttle

I’ve migrated my existing bookmark collection from Scuttle to SemanticScuttle. All it took was these three lines of SQL: insert into semanticscuttle.sc_users (uId,username,password,uDatetime,uModified,name,email,homepage,uContent) (select * from scuttle.sc_users); insert into semanticscuttle.sc_bookmarks (bId,uId,bIp,bStatus,bDatetime,bModified,bTitle,bAddress,bDescription,bHash) (select * from scuttle.sc_bookmarks); insert into semanticscuttle.sc_bookmarks2tags (select * from scuttle.sc_tags);


PowerShell: Check whether a Windows command or executable is available

In one of my recent PowerShell scripts I needed to find out if certain commands (in my case “svn”, “git”, “ant” and “mvn”) were available or not. I wrote this small function that tries to call the given command and returns whether it is callable. function commandAvailable($cmd, $options) { $error.clear();…
